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A DHR Network
A national network for professionals involved with Domestic Homicide Reviews13/01/2021

We are very excited about a new project we are working on which is designed to help raise the standard of Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs) nationally. We will be launching a DHR Network in the Spring of 2021 and have started scoping and consulting some stakeholders already. Our chief goal is to create a consistently high standard of DHRs and offer resources to support the key professionals involved.
Who is it for?
We are still working out the detail of what the network will look like, and whilst we are doing this we are keen to hear from anyone who has a vested interested in DHRs, whether your involvement is professional or personal. It is likely that the Network itself will be for Community Safety Partnerships (CSP) and Independent Chairs, but we are open to views about who else might benefit from membership.
What is happening now?
At present our associate, Becci Seaborne, is consulting with a range of people with a personal or professional interest in DHRs. The aim of this phase of the project is to understand what some of the challenges are within the DHR process and how a network can support professionals to address these to achieve a consistently high standard nationally.
How can we be involved?
We have launched two feedback surveys to help us gather this information. If you work within a CSP, you can complete a 6-minute survey here, and Independent Chairs (and Authors) can complete a separate survey here. If you work in a different role, or have a personal interest in DHRs, or would otherwise like to be in touch about this directly, please email us at: DHRnetwork@AAFDA.org.uk. We also have a dedicated Twitter account for the project, so you can follow us at @DHRnetwork for news and updates.
What will happen next?
Becci will continue to speak with key people in the sector, and will review the feedback as it comes in. The next stage will be to draw up an outline of what the network could like. We will then hold some events for stakeholders where can start to shape things more firmly and move towards an official launch of the network.
We look forward to hearing from you!