
Our Home Office Funded DHR Chair Training 

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The training programme for 2024 - 25 is now live!

Book your place here

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AAFDA offers expert training for statutory and voluntary sector professionals on:

  • Being a DHR Chair (CPD Accredited)
  • Managing a DHR (CPD Accredited)
  • Being an Effective Panel Member(CDP Accredited)
  • DA Related Suicide, Research, Risks and Reviews. (CPD Accredited)
  • The Childs Voice (in DHRs). (CPD Accredited)

AAFDA's CEO is a Home Office appointed reader of Domestic Homicide Reviews and a Home Office accredited Chair.

AAFDA sits on the national Domestic Homicide Review Quality Assurance panel, hosted by the Home Office. 

Our training will:

  • Deal with the grey areas and be highly interactive.
  • Link to real cases and will include input from a family member who recently completed the Domestic Homicide Review journey. 
  • Cover the process including by quality assuring puiblished reviews.
  • Share best practice particularly around working with families.

Scroll down for details of our current range of courses.

Training for Professionals

Children's Voice in DHRs

Various dates available 

Managing a DHR (CPD Accredited)

Various dates available

Bespoke Training For Your Organisation

Contact us to discuss your bespoke requirements.


Home Office Funded DHR Chair Training

Expressions of Interes for DHR Chair Training

QA Ready

This short course is essential for DHR Chairs and Community Safety Partnership professionals

Click to find out more

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