In 2024 AAFDA were selected to deliver the Home Office Domestic Homicide Review Training.
We’ve had an incredible amount of interest in the course and we’ve filled all spaces for 2024/25.
We appreciate that this has left many disappointed. We are now accepting expressions of interest for potential courses in 25-26
Use this link to access the form

The AAFDA Bespoke Qualification: Certificate in Chairing a Domestic Homicide Review (Level 3)
Purpose of the bespoke qualification and who it’s for
The role of the Independent Chair and Author to oversee DHRs was established as a statutory requirement in the Multi-agency Statutory Guidance for the Conduct of Domestic Homicide Reviews (2016). This qualification aims to equip learners with the required range of skills and knowledge to competently Chair a DHR, constructively engage with relevant agencies, family and friends of the deceased, and facilitate impactful learning amongst agencies to better safeguard victims of abuse.
Structure of delivery
To achieve the Certificate in Chairing a Domestic Homicide Review learners must achieve credits from the three mandatory units. Learners are assessed through activities that are internally set by tutor/assessors.
The qualification will be delivered over 4 classroom days, usually spread over 2 weeks, normally online via the Zoom platform. Learners will be required to undertake additional self-study, using the workbook provided, of at least 16-20 hours, outside of the classroom allocated days.
Entry requirements
The qualification is suitable for those already working as DHR Chairs, or those wishing to become DHR Chairs who can demonstrate they hold the expectations as outlined in the the Multi-agency Statutory Guidance for the Conduct of Domestic Homicide Reviews (paragraph 39).
The qualification is suitable for learners aged 18+.
This course is currently funded by the Home Office so is free to the learner in the 24-25 training period. We do recommend, however, that learners join the DHR Network for ongoing CPD opportunities, for which there is a cost.
Due to anticipated high demand for this course, the following criteria will be applied to applications for each course:
- First priority – Active DHR Chairs who have not previously completed AAFDA’s training for DHR Chairs.
- Second priority - Active DHR Chairs who have not completed AAFDA’s training for DHR Chairs in the last five years.
- Third priority - Active DHR Chairs who have previously completed AAFDA’s training for DHR Chairs.
- Fourth priority – New DHR Chairs.
Expressions of Interest
Those wishing to express interest in future courses should complete the form linked here
Once completed, the form will be held until we are in a position to notify those interested of future training dates.
Completion of the course
Once learners have successfully completed the course, including the workbook assessment, they will receive certification from London OCN.
With their permission, they will also be added to the AAFDA Accredited DHR Chair register which will be shared with Community Safety Partnerships.
Failure to complete the course
If learners are unable to complete the course, they will be given opportunity to retake the missing elements, within reason.
Failure to pass the course
If learners fail to pass assessment on any element of the course, they will be given opportunity to resubmit work to enable them to pass the element up to a maximum of three times including the original submission.

This training has been accredited by OCN London.
Whilst we have your attention...
Have you considered joining the AAFDA DHR Network?
What are the benefits of joining?
The benefits you receive as a member are:
- Contacts and networking with your peers in other areas via the DHR Network Discussion Forum.
- Contacts and networking with other professionals with a role or interest in work via the DHR Network Discussion Forum.
- Quarterly e-bulletins with news and updates.
- A Directory of Independent Chairs.
- Commissioning alerts when a Community Safety Partnership is looking for an Independent Chair for a new DHR.
- Networking events.
- Resources online –we are working on a repository and welcome contributions from our knowledgeable and informed members.
- Focus groups looking at professional standards around the Independent Chair role. This is a longer term piece of work, which may depend on funding and the emerging policy landscape, but it is a conversation we are committed to having as part of the aims of the network –to raise the standard of DHRs.
For more information about what the DHR Network can offer, membership types and associated fees, take a look at our Membership Information Pack
You can register to join the DHR Network here - DHR Network Registration Form (google.com).
If you work in a different role, or have a personal interest in DHRs, or would otherwise like to be in touch about the DHR Network directly, please email us at: DHRnetwork@aafda.org.uk.
We also have a dedicated Twitter account for the project, so you can follow us at @DHRnetwork for news and updates